CSME Congresses and Other Conferences
One of CSME’s primary roles is to train and update the mechanical engineering community on new advances and emerging fields. The Conferences/Congresses and symposia that CSME organizes or co-sponsors form an important platform to acquire and disseminate such information to its members. The CSME also promotes mini conferences/symposia organised by the Regional Executives and/or by Technical Committees at various universities or industry events.
To help standardize the organising processes, the CSME Board of Directors has established a standing Congresses Committee with the mandate to develop and promulgate a set of Conference Guidelines (click here to view/download the Guidelines).
Congress chairs (or co-chairs) serve on CSME’s Congresses Committee starting two years in advance of their Congress in order to observe and learn about current Congress preparations and execution. The chairs remain on the Congresses Committee for the following two years to pass his/her experience to future hosts. The Congresses Committee works primarily through telecons and provides guidance during Congress preparations as required. It also recommends future Congress locations to the Board.
The proceedings of the most recent CSME International Congresses are accessible on this webpage.
Scheduled CSME International Congresses
The CSME International Congress is held annually and promotes the communication and transfer of technology among industry, government agencies, universities and R&D laboratories. The CSME Congress offers a face-to-face opportunity for national and international Mechanical Engineering experts to meet, grow respective networks, discuss recent challenges, and explore technical/business problems of importance to the profession and its related fields. The CSME is also quite open to co-hosting or co-locating its conferences/congresses with those of other organisations when this may benefit members of both orgs. Any organization interested in such co-hosting or co-locating arrangements should contact CSME's Executive Director.
The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFDSC), and the Canadian Society of Rheology (CSR) will hold their joint 2025 CSME-CFDSC-CSR International Congress at the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) in Montréal (QC) on May 25-28, 2025.
Call for Abstracts & Papers (click to download).
• Both abstracts (up to 400 words) and papers (up to 6 pages) are accepted and welcome
• Papers first-authored by students are eligible for the student paper competitions
• Submission deadline: January 31st, 2025 (see www.csmecongress.org for updates)
Additional Information and Sponsorship
• Call for special symposia and workshops
• Sponsor? – Please contact csme2025@etsmtl.ca
• For any questions, inquiries and/or proposals, please contact csme2025@etsmtl.ca
Past CSME International Congresses
To view/download the proceedings of the most recent CSME International Congresses, click here.
2024 Congress:
The 2024 edition of the CSME International Congress was hosted on 26-29 May by the MIE Department of the University of Toronto, ON.
2023 Congress:
The 2023 edition of the CSME International Congress was hosted on 28-31 May by the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) in Sherbrooke, QC.
2022 Congress:
The 2022 edition of the CSME International Congress was hosted by the University of Alberta (UoA) in Edmonton, AB, from 5-8 June 2022.
2021 Congress:
The 2021 edition of the CSME International Congress was hosted by the University of PEI (UPEI) in Charlottetown, PEI, from 27-30 June 2021.
Note that due to COVID-19 pandemic-related concerns, the 2020 edition of the CSME Congress that was to be held at UPEI was cancelled. However, papers that had been accepted for presentation at that conference were published by UPEI Library and may be viewed at this url: https://library.upei.ca/csme-2020.
2019 CSME Congress
The 2019 CSME International Congress was held jointly with the annual conference of the CFD Society of Canada, both hosted at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) in London, ON, on June 2-5, 2019. With over 400 attendees and papers, the CSME Congress was considered a great success. For details, please visit the joint Congress website: https://www.eng.uwo.ca/csme-cfdsc/.
Vue d’ensemble des congrès et autres conférences
Prochains Congrès internationaux de la SCGM :
Les congrès internationaux de la SCGM encouragent la communication et le transfert de technologie dans l’industrie, les agencies gouvernementales, les universités et les laboratoires de recherche et de développement. Maintenant tenu annuellement, ce congrès offre aux experts nationaux et internationaux en génie mécanique un point de rencontre utile pour échanger des informations en personne, discuter des défis de recherches, et explorer les problèmes techniques et d'affaires d’importance à la profession et aux domaines qui lui sont reliés. Le prochain congrès aura lieu comme suit:
Congrès précédents :
Congrès 2024 :
Congrès 2023 :
Congrès 2022 :
Congrès 2021 :
Le Congrès de la SCGM qui devait avoir lieu en juin 2020 fut tenu virtuellement par l'Université de l'Île du Prince Edward (UPEI) les 27-30 juin 2021. Les présentations sont listées ici :
Congrès 2019 :
L'édition 2019 du Congrès de la SCGM a eu lieu conjointement avec la conférence annuelle de la Société CFD à l'University Western Ontario les 2-5 juin 2019. Site web: https://www.eng.uwo.ca/csme-cfdsc/. Les annales du Congrès 2019 sont disponibles pour téléchargement: https://www.eng.uwo.ca/csme-cfdsc/program_events/proceedings/index.html.