Aman Usmani, FCSME |
Hamid Akbarzadeh, MCSME |
The objectives of the CSME Engineering Design and Analysis Technical Committee (CSME-EDA) shall be to promote, foster, organize and coordinate various activities concerning EDA in Canada and to represent Canada’s interests in EDA at the international level. The CSME-EDA Technical Committee shall serve as a formal vehicle for overseeing and coordinating conferences, colloquia, symposia, and other technical meetings, and it shall promote innovation and excellence in research, commercial and academic activities in the general area of EDA that take place within Canada. These functions shall be performed and coordinated on behalf of CSME, according to the CSME Roles, Responsibilities and Guidelines of TCs. |
Advanced Design Methods, Design for Manufacturing, Systems Design, Product Design, DFX, Design in OBE, Advanced Computational Analysis (FE/CFD/Multiphysics/Multiscale), Design of Multifunctional Materials and Structures. |
Terms of Reference (click to download)
Membership List:
Dr. Annie Ross (Polytechnique Montreal), Chair Holder – Safran-TAPPIS Chair on acoustic treatments for turbofan engines
Dr. Hamid Akbarzadeh (McGill University), CRC (Tier2) in bio-inspired hierarchical multifunctional metamaterials
Dr. Kamran Behdinan (University of Toronto), CDE in multidisciplinary engineering design
Dr. Zengtao Chen (University of Alberta), Fracture-Damage Mechanics
Dr. Alain Desrochers (Université de Sherbrooke), CDE for Aluminum
The CSME-EDA Technical Division is primarily devoted to promote research and the dissemination of knowledge in the areas identified as dealing with Engineering Design and Analysis, such as:
· Theoretical and applied optimal design
· Multidisciplinary Engineering Analysis, Design, and optimization
· Artificial intelligence and knowledge based systems in design
· Computational Aided Engineering in design
· Concurrent design
· Design for manufacture
· Multiscale Modeling and Analysis
· Systems Design
· Design Methods
· Virtual reality in design
· Design in virtual manufacturing and virtual prototyping
Current Activities:
The 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design, August 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Symposium on “Advanced Design and Analysis of Multifunctional Lightweight Structures, CSME International Congress 2021, On-line, PEI, Canada.
Past Activities:
The International Conference on Applied Physics and Engineering (ICAPE) March 2020, Frankfurt, Germany.
Design 2020, October 2020, On-line, Cavtat, Croatia.
Symposium on Advanced Design and Analysis of Multifunctional Materials and Structures, CSME International Congress, June 2020, UPEI, PEI, Canada.
The 30th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies - ICAST2019, the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design, October 2019, Concordia U, Montreal, QC.
“Insights on Engineering Design Education and CEAB Accreditation”, Engineering Design Summit, Feb 2019, Ottawa ON, Canada.
ICED19, the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design, August 2019, Delft, Netherlands.
Symposium on Multiscale Simulations and Multifunctional Materials and Structures, CSME International Congress 2019, June 2019, Western U, London ON, Canada.
Engineering Analysis and Design Symposium, CSME International Congress 2018, May 2018, York U, Toronto Canada.
The 15th International Design Conference (Design 2018), May 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
“A Novel Multidisciplinary Approach to Engineering Design and Experiential Learning Education and Training”, the 2016 PACE Global Annual Conference, Cincinnati, US, July 24-28, 2016.
Symposium on ‘Multiscale simulation and Multifunctional Materials and Structures”, CSME Congress 2016, UBC, Kelowna, BC, June 2016.
ICTAM2016, technical sessions/short talks, Montreal, QC, August 2016.
Workshop on “Capstone Design” at the CEEA Conference, Canmore, AB, June 2014.
C on “Multiscale simulation and Multifunctional Materials and Structures”, CSME Congress 2014, UofT, Toronto, ON, June 2014.
A summit on “Design, Diversity, and Innovation”, at the CSME Congress 2014, UofT, Toronto, ON, June 2014.
Symposium on “Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Design”, CSME Congress 2012, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, June 2012.
Symposium on “Design and Analysis”, CANCAM 2011, UBC, Vancouver, BC, June 5-9, 2011.
Symposium on Design and Analysis, CSME Forum 2010, June 6-10, Victoria, BC.
Symposium on Design and Analysis, 22nd CANCAM 2009, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
The CANCNSM 2008, June25-29, 2008, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Symposium on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, CANCNSM 2008, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, CANCAM 2007, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Symposium on MDO, CANCAM 2007, Ryerson University, Toronto ON.
Canadian-Japan conference in composites, Toronto, August, 2006.
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, CSME Forum, Kananaskis, AB, May 2006.
Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Systems, CSME Forum, UWO, June 2004.
A Forum on Mechanical Engineering Design & Analysis: Advances and New Trends in Practice, Research and Education, Ryerson University, October 2002.