Thermal Science and Engineering

CHAIR Sébastien Poncet, MCSME
VICE-CHAIR Ali Hakkaki-Fard, MCSME

The committee’s principal mandate is to represent CSME members active within the thermal science and engineering sector. A major duty is to organize a Symposium on Heat Transfer (SHT) at the annual CSME Congress; other responsibilities include the promotion of TC opportunities within the thermal science and engineering community, participation in the SHT through submission and/or review of papers, and communication with the Canadian thermal science and engineering community.

The committee is also responsible for nominating delegates, when positions are open, to represent the Candian Heat Transfer Community on both the Assembly for the International Heat Transfer Conference (AIHTC) - 2 delegates, and the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) - 1  delegate.


boiling, condensation, conduction, convection, heat exchanger, melting, phase change, solidification, thermal design, thermal engineering, radiation.

List of Past Chairs: (click to access)

Committee Terms of Reference: (click to download)

Membership List:

  • Sébastien Poncet (Université de Sherbrooke) CFD, nanofluids, phase-change materials, conjugated heat transfer
  • Ali Hakkaki-Fard (Université Laval) CFD, inverse heat transfer problems, boiling
  • Xili Duan (Memorial University of Newfoundland) phase change heat transfer, multiphase flow
  • Maciej Floryan, FCSME (Western University) natural/mixed convection, thermal instability problems 
  • Dominic Groulx, FCSME (Dalhousie University) solid-liquid phase change, thermal storage and management, conduction
  • Sunny Li (University of British Columbia) thermal management, multiphase flow, boiling
  • Anthony Straatman, FCSME (Western University) CFD, conjugate heat transfer modeling, porous materials
  • Ali Tarokh, (Lakehead University) Combustion, numerical modelling of reactive flow, heat transfer in porous media,  microscale heat transfer analysis

Current Activities:

  • TBD.

Future Conferences of interest to the Committee Membership:

  • Seminars organised or co-organised by the CSME Thermal Science and Engineering Committee (click to access).
  • 11th International Symposium Radiative Transfer (, Kusadasi (Turkey), June 15 to 20, 2025.
  • 11th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (, Tokyo (Japan), July 21 to 25, 2025.

Past Activities:

  • Symposium on thermal science and engineering, as part of the CSME International Congress 2024 (26-29 May 2024), held by University of Toronto.
  • 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, Cape Town (South Africa) - August 14-18, 2023.
  • Symposium on Heat Transfer, as part of the CSME Congress 2023 (May 28-31, 2023) held at Université de Sherbrooke.
  • Symposium on Heat Transfer, as part of the CSME Congress 2022 (June 5-8, 2022) held at University of Alberta.
  • Symposium on Heat Transfer, as part of the CSME Congress 2021 (June 27-30, 2021) held at PEI University.
  • Symposium on Heat Transfer, as part of the CSME-CFDSC Congress 2019 (June 2-5, 2019) held at Western University.
  • Symposium on Heat Transfer, as part of the CSME 2018 International Congress (May 27-30, 2018) held at York University on the special subject of Phase Change Materials and their Applications.